Writing Center FAQs

What is the Writing Center?

The Writing Center is a free, one-on-one tutorial service
for students, faculty and staff.

Who may visit the Writing Center?

Any CSCC student, faculty member or staff.

If I use the Writing Center, does that make me a ‘bad’ writer?

Not at all! All writers – even experienced ones – can benefit from the
services of the Writing Center.

What can I expect during a visit to the Writing Center?

You’ll have an individualized, one-half hour sessions with a tutor who can assist you with your writing project. You can work on an essay, review, lab report, resume, job letter, scholarship application, or any other writing project. Tutors will help with any stage of the writing process, from generating ideas to revising and polishing. They help writers improve organization, development, grammar, or other skills related to writing.

Will the tutor proofread my paper for me?

Sorry, this is not one of the services we provide. Tutors do not write papers, serve as proofreaders or discuss grades.

Where is the Writing Center located?

We are located in 246 Franklin Hall on main campus. Writing Center services are also available on Westerville and Dublin Campuses.

How do I make an appointment?

You can visit us at 246 Franklin Hall, or call 614.287.5717. Or email writingcenter@cscc.edu. All appointments are in 30-minute blocks.

How often can I visit the Writing Center?

You can schedule one visit a day, up to three days a week.

What other services does the Writing Center offer?

We offer special group workshops throughout the quarter. Look for announcements on Blackboard and in your student email. You may also have access through the Online Writing Resource Center (OWRC), depending on what specific courses you are taking. The OWRC offers online tutoring sessions, tips about writing and helpful external links. Check your Blackboard under “My Communities” to see if you have access to the OWRC.

Where can I get more information?

Select one of the following:
  • Contact Deborah Bertsch, Writing Center Coordinator, at 614.287.5860.
  • Contact us via email at writingcenter@cscc.edu
  • Contact Joan Petrusky, OWRC Coordinator, at 614.287.5820 or jpetrusk@cscc.edu

Office Location

420 Nestor Hall
550 East Spring Street
Columbus, OH 43215